Old Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical MapsOld Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical Maps


Workshop in Scotland (BCS Map Curators' Group)

Publié: 24 de outubro de 2009

OldMapsOnline.org workflow was presented during a Workshop organized by The Map Curators' Group of the British Cartographic Society.
The title of the workshop was "From paper to screen: Putting maps on the web".

Details about this workshop are available online at the BCS website, including a programme with several interesting presentations related to the subject.

The morning session of the second day of the workshop was devoted to a practical demonstration where Christopher Fleet (National Library of Scotland) and Klokan Petr Pridal (Moravian Library Brno, OldMapsOnline.org) used Bartholomew 1912 map of Edinburgh to present a complete old map processing workflow starting from scanning, over online publishing and georeferencing, to the visualization on the web by overlaying of Google Maps and Google Earth.

Here are the slides from the workshop:

From paper to screen:  Putting maps on the web

The online map presentations created during the workshop:

  1. Zoomify presentation of the scan of the paper map.
  2. Google Maps overlay generated by MapTiler from the georeferenced image.
  3. OpenLayers viewer generated by MapTiler from the georeferenced image.

    You can also download the original files for this map and try the suggested workflow yourself:
  • The file as it was produced by the scanner:  74400474.tif (!!! big: 200+ MBytes - use right click and "Save as")
  • The georeferenced image: 74400474-geo.tif  (!!! big: 200+ MBytes - use right click and "Save as")

    A step by step tutorial for publishing with Zoomify and MapTiler is available on on our website:

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