Refutation of Lieutenant Wellsted's Attack upon Lord Valentia's ... Work upon the Red Sea, with comparative diagrams, shewing the inventions of Bruce, etc
1842|ROBINSON, Frederick R.N
Südwestliches Arabien (Hidjaz und Jemen)
1852|Kiepert, Heinrich1:2 000 000
Two Years in East Africa: Adventures in Abyssinia and Nubia, with a journey to the sources of the Nile ... [Translated from the French.]
1875|JONVEAUX, Émile.
Nubien, Habesch, Kordofan, Darfur.
1844|Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-18741:6 300 000
Neueste Karte von Nubien, Habesch, Kordofan und Darfur